15 February 2012

estate sale finds // 02.10.2012 (part 1)

i had last friday off, so i decided it was time to hit the estate sale circuit again. there haven't been many really great sales lately, but things are definitely picking up with the mild weather we've been having here.

one sale, in particular, caught my eye. isn't it funny how one small item spotted amongst literally hundreds of items in promotional photographs will set you on a 160-mile round trip course? because that's exactly what happened. and it was totally worth it.

first, some things i didn't get. i was actually lucky to snap a few pictures before the organizers got a bit, uh, cranky. but i know they have to keep everything above board, especially at a sale when the house is as unbelievably packed as this one was. rooms stuffed to the brim and not a dozen items newer than 1970, i dare say. everything was covered in a fine layer of grime, which, in my experience, is the very best type of sale.

(three shelves of vintage cleaning supplies - i was thinking of you, eartha kitsch!)

and what i did get:

juice glasses (the items that sparked my interest) // enamel pin (still in package!) // 1950 the smart set magazine // pink swirl glass & pink ceramic typewriter

junior deluxe edition books for my small, but growing collection.

more beautiful old books. i had to stop myself with the books because there were rooms (plural!) full of old titles. it was overwhelming, to say the least. 

i don't want to creep into photo overload territory, so i'm going to leave the last find for a separate post. it's sweet and quite sad, actually, so stay tuned! 

// part 2 //


  1. Wow, girl! You got some GREAT stuff! And yes, I screamed out loud when I saw those cleaners. Three shelves??My heart got all pitter-pattery and my palms sweaty. I would have been on those like white on rice!

  2. Man o' man whatta haul! The Tiger Roo blows my mind (let us know if it works) and the flower pin in the package is great. I would love to see a few shot of the flower pin's packaging. I'm a HUGE collector of them and am very interested in what the "special offer" is! Great Stuff!
