04 July 2011

sparkle on, america

things that make me feel american, in no particular order:

stars and stripes and glittery sights | liberace. oh, my, need i say more?

patriotic ditties | little edie beale was amazing! if you have never seen grey gardens, carve out some time and visit the beales on hulu immediately.

americana decor | red, white, and blue? yes, please.

picnic foods | solid potato salad by the ross sisters. how many times have i watched this since seeing it on ranch dressing with eartha kitsch last year? too, too many. eartha, i cannot thank you enough for sharing this bit of internet kitsch!

fireworks | i hope you have a fun and safe holiday!


  1. You're welcome! I could watch it a million times. It remains one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen. :)

    You had me at Liberace and Little Edie. God bless America and all the staunch characters who make it up!

  2. i just love red and light blue together!

  3. I love all these things! The Solid Potato Salad is just plain bizarre!
